“One day I would like to make up my own DSM-111 with a list of “disorders” I have seen in my practice. For example, I would want to include the diagnosis “psychological modernism,” an uncritical acceptance of the values of the modern world. It includes blind faith in technology, inordinate attachment to material gadgets and conveniences, uncritical acceptance of the march of scientific progress, devotion to the electronic media, and a life-style dictated by advertising.” -Thomas Moore

What is Nature Deficit Disorder?

This is a term to describe how the modern era, has increasingly disconnected humans from the natural world because of much of life being lived indoors and on screens. 

In order for us to thrive as humans, we need the sun, the darkness of night, healthy soil, nutritious food, clean water and connection to the non-human world. Unfortunately, this has become a luxury for many, and its impacts on our societal mental health struggles are immense. Too many therapeutic modalities do not incorporate eco-psychology into their practice. Humans cannot fully heal without reconnecting to the land that sustains them and gives them life. 

Here is a short video where Richard Louv briefly describes how our cultures lack of connection to the outdoors is impacting children:

Nature Deficit Disorder: what is it? - Bing video

Louv writes, “if it is true that nature therapy reduces the symptoms of ADHD, then the converse may also be true. ADHD may be a set up symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature. By this line of thinking... the real disorder is less in the child than it is in the imposed, artificial environment... to take nature and natural play away from children may be tantamount to withholding oxygen.” 

Some people do not know where to start with reconnecting to the natural world because of the pain and trauma surrounding their separation from it. I love to work with people in this realm, inviting them to remember they are loved by the moon, stars, trees, sun, mycelial networks and all the other living creatures.

Nature Deficit Disorder